Wednesday 21 September 2016

First Wedding in the Family!

On 23rd of July, My brother sah mnjadi husband to lovely Aisha Shamsuddin..Well she's from Perlis, sooo Perlis, here we goooo..

The Next Day, Kenduri di Rumah Pengantin Perempuan

okey, gambar kenangan sikitt..

Sempat la jalan2 ke padang besaqqq..Berpinar mata weyyy >.<

Keadaan rumah masih terkawal..Persediaan Kenduri belah Lelaki di Kuantan.

Sekitar majlis doa selamat sebelah malam 29 July 2016

Sempat snap picture dgn org jauh ni..Tq nyyy for coming all the way from Melaka with your parents...xoxo!

Gambar kenangan (Mak Nor, Abah Din, Abg Lias,Kak Nana n husband,Abg Yie, Cikgu Gayah)

Ni semua beradik yang dibesarkan oleh Abah Din & Mak Nor..

Tq budakk yaya sebab jadi pengapit terjun n tolong kemas2 mcm bibik ..hehe..

Bukn nk tnjuk muka sndiri, tp tuuu bunga telur giant kat belakang tuuuuu...

More kenduri kawinn to come, heheheheee..

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2016 1437H

# 1st Day of Syawal

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir& Batin All.....

Apart of the menu

My Big Family..Missing in picture is Along.

Anak2 Dara Cik Leha & Cik Mat

# 2nd Day of Syawal

Beraya di Johor..Budak kecik tu ade je kat mane2 gambo..sabo jela..

Adik Beradik Ayah..Missing in picture We Azizah (currently live in Switzerland)

Actually ni 4th day of raya di Kg Telok Ira, Temerloh, Pahang, They are all my dad's families and the last picture is my bunch of cousins..xoxo

Tuesday 6 September 2016

# Throwback Vietnam!

I got a chance to travel for the first time when my mum asked me "Angah nk ikut mama pegi Vietnam?'.... and i was like nakkkkkkkkkk!! bile nak pegi?? serius nii?? dengan sape?? berape nk kene bayar ni???? hahahahaha.. that was 'jakun' mood at that time..

Travelling to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which also known as a city of shopping heaven
on 13th May 2014 - 15th May 2014 (3D2N) 6 person including me.

Me and My Mum before departure

My flight depart at 11.00 a.m and arrived around 2.00 p.m. After that we took a cab at the airport to Ben Thanh. It took about 20 minutes from airport. We stayed at Tien An Hotel for USD 30 per night.

The next day, ape lagi shopppingggggggg laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Ben Thanh, Saigon)

 Of course, Vietnam terutamanya di area Ben Thanh mmg terkenal dengan pemborong baju terutamanya baju kurung. Hmmmm, pelik jgk org yg xpkai bju kurung yang jual baju kurung.

Mask mmg banyak dijual di kawasan kaki lima since majority of them pkai ketika menaiki motosikal. Motosikal ni main transport kebnyakan warga Vietnam smpai angkut pasu bunge pun dengan moto..huhu >.<

Thats my mum tengah shopping baju Tshirt untuk my dad and anak2 bujang die...I just watch and wait. Tp sempat jgak la grab 2 helai Tshirt untuk si A..Hehe..

 This is the place where we eat most of the time Warung 1Malaysia Saigon..Nasib la ade kedai makan 1Malaysia..xla rindu sgt tanah air..ceewah..Tp yang penting ade wifi.

Cuma kat sini makanan MasyaAllah mahal..15,000 - 25,000 Dong skali makan/sorang ..

Finally, time datang hritu bwak beg galas je sorng satu, tapi time balik beranak pulak beg tu ..sekian k.bai!

Monday 5 September 2016

Self Refreshment


"When we repair our RELATIONSHIP with ALLAH
He repairs EVERYTHING else for us'